28 December 2013


1. Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
His figure, hehe. He is very tall and has a broad shoulder. 

2. What's on your body is hurting or bothering you?
My fats.

3. What was your thought before going to bed last night?

4. What are you listening to?
Falling in love by 2ne1

5. What's something you're not looking forward to?
Being more fat, fatter, fattest aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kill me

6. Where do you think your best friend is right now?
She's probably at her home, watching cartoon with her sibling or...watching Exo on Youtube.

7. Have you kissed anybody in the last five days?
I kissed Puss and Fifi just now hehe.

8. Favorite song?
My current favorite song is Missing You by 2ne1.

9. Kiss on the first date?

10. Is there one person you want to be with right now?
Yes, and he is in Labuan. Someone please take me there or fly him here. I've missed him so much.

11. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life?
I'm being grateful of where I am right now in life but I'll definitely work harder in 2014.

12. Is there something you would like to say to someone?
Yes. To the lady-who-I-dont-want-to-name-it, excuse me but, you are not always right and please respect others if you want to be respected. Having a high salary doesn't mean you can treat other people like a piece of shit. And stop treating your parents like your maids. Use your brain please women.

13. What are three things you did today?
I did my chores, cooked and fed my cats.

14. Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them over?
I love to sleep at their house.

15. What's your favorite kind of gum?
I don't like to chew a gum.

16. Are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/girlfriends?

17. What's on your wrist right now?
A bracelet.

18. Ever liked someone you thought you didn't stand a chance with?
I liked TOP. And forever will, sobs.

19. Does anyone have strong feelings for you?
I believe my boyfriend does :)

20. Are you slowly drifting away from someone?
Emmm I don't think so.

21. Have you ever wasted your time on someone?
Yes, for 7 freaking years and I've had enough already.

22. Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
Aaaaaa nope.

23. How have you felt today?
I feel like I wanna be so rajin today but my brain was like 'Em girl, how about no'

24. You receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend on it?
I'd probably pay my phone bills first hahahaha

25. What's wrong with you right now?
I feel sleepy whenever I feel like watching a movie or tidy up my room ugh what is wrong with me?!

26. Is there anyone you're really dissapointed in?
I'm really dissapointed in myself, I always want to be kurus but ughhh screw everything

27. Would you rather to have starbucks or jamba juice right now?
I'd rather to have a starbucks :)

28. Why aren't you in love with your ex anymore?
Because the love isn't there anymore and it was an immature love. And I've come to my sense. I date to marry because when I love someone, I'll stick to that guy for a  long time. Apparently, he wasn't the guy that I would be proud to bring home to meet my parents and he's not a husband type that all women have been looking for. But the guy I'm dating right now, he is the one that I'd be proud to call mine. And everything has changed when he came, I wanna be a better person and change for good. Glad to have you around, sayang :)

29. How late did you stay up last night and why?
I stayed up till 2 a.m , I texted my boyfriend and after he went to sleep, I re-read our conversations and keep on replaying the video he sent me to sleep :)

30. When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
Ummmm last night?

31. What were you doing an hour ago?
Ummm this? I feel like it takes forever for me to answer all the questions T-T

32. What are you looking forward to in the next month?
New semester and a family vacation to Indonesia!

33. Are you wearing jeans right now?

34. Are you a patient person?
Trying to be one :)

35. Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months?
We almost reach a year being together and may we still be in love in many years to come :)

36. Favorite color?

37. Did you have a dream last night?
I had a very deep sleep, so the answer is no.

38. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
I'm currently wearing a shorts.

39. If someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be?
Obviously it would be my boyfriend :)

40. Do you love anyone who is not related to you?
I'm in love with Iman right now. Her pelat-ness and naughtiness makes me to fall harder on her awhhhh such a cutie girl eeey nak gomol! 

41. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
No, just no because I'm not interested to know. Just keep it to yourself, serabut kepala aku. I already have one so please try not to get in the line ok.

42. Do you like meeting new people?
Absolutely yes!!

43. Are you afraid of falling in love?
Yes, but I already did hahaha k

44. Ever self-harmed of starved yourself?

45. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
Are you kidding me....I don't have those pretty eyes!

46. Have you ever felt like you're not good enough?
ALWAYS. But that motivates me to be a better person and work harder to become the person that I wanna be.

27 December 2013


My sister found this on Tumblr and I think I should share it here. Yes girls please, these are the movies that you should watch with your girlfriends or sister when you are having a sleepover. I have watched like half of them and it was pretty cool. (But Tangled is like my all-time favourite Disney movie ever)  Enjoy the movie!

26 December 2013


13 December 2013


I pray to Allah that my dreams would not collides and fades away. You just need to push and work harder, Alia. You can do it, chase your dreams and live it. Don't just be the girl who watch her dreams from distance. You want to make your dreams come true, so you must work your ass off girl. Be it your career or any dreams that you dream of, just don't give up yet. You still have a long way to go, girl. #notetomyself #selfreminder