11 April 2012


So,right now my timeline of Twitter penuh dengan news of earthquake yang sedang berlaku di Acheh.If I'm not mistaken lah.So,some of them takut,muhasabah diri,reminding their self and friends taubat apa smua.And some of them tak tau lah tak pandai ke apa kan,buat lawak about this thing.Which I think,dude its not funny at all.Come on people,cakap kosong banyak kt Twitter pun tak ada guna ok.Seriously,people who make fun of this..ingat sikit ok the earthquake thing,the tsunami thing and all that comes from Allah.Muslims,this is a sign,a warning from Allah.WAKE UP.Niat di hati post benda ni,bukan nak tunjuk bagus ke apa.Sekadar mengingatkan sesama sendiri.Lets pray for Acheh and muhasabah diri.Still not too late,Insyaallah :)