12 April 2012


Me : Ayah, I think I have to change my number lah.
Ayah : Why?
Me : This one guy kan, I dont even know him but he keeps on calling me lah.
Ayah : And?
Me : Then he was like nak kenal lah apa benda lah,and call me dengan suara stim ah.horny ke apa dia tu.
Ayah : Motherfucker bastard bodoh the fuck he calls you. GIMME HIS NUMBER!
Me : ... *speechless/faint
Ayah : This guy kan..let me teach him.whats his number?!
Me : Em you know what ayah..I can handle this.seriously.
Ayah : You sure? Let me call him.
Me : Sure ayah. SURE

You know what,I kinda feel like regret telling this to my father haha -_- Nevermind, I'm a big girl now.I can handle this by myself.wohooo Alya is big girl,proud of myself :* hihihi.I hate random numbers calling me,seriously.benci ah,semak je.so what to do? Dont mind the random stupid callers.easy cheesyyyy :)