18 April 2012


Ok dah dua hari berturut turut kena twitlimit.WHAT IS THIS MAN? This isn't funny at all okay.tak pernah pernah kena twitlimit.kecoh pulak Twitter ni haha.haaaa geram betul.and oh here got some story to share.I was tweeting sedap gila ni layan.then tetiba pap! Cannot retrieve apa benda tah.I was like so piss off lah kan.so saja  lah spam my timeline whining and all lah kan.but I was whining in F languange haha.here's an example,sebenarnya I was about to say " apa masalah twitter ni? geram gila! " But then it turned out to be like this " hapa hasalah hwiher hi? heram hila! " then banyak lagi lah kan.then I scrolled the timeline and saw this girl tweet like this " bish stop it ingat comel ke " Awak,kita mintak maaf tapi kita terasa sangat.kita respect awak,awak budak pandai.tapi jangan lah buat kita macam ni.okay? Kita mintak maaf again,kalau awak tak suka awak unfollow je lah kita :) Kita sayang nak deactivate acc Twitter kita.So..yah hehe :) Peaceee no war tweethearts :')