2 May 2012


This is what we watched on last Monday hihi.I tell you,this movie was asdfghjkl awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!♥ Cerita ni actually nak dekat sama dengan Skyline.but Skyline was more to like running away from the aliens and there is no escape.and this Battleship,they find a way on how to defeat the aliens.see the difference? And,ending Skyline sangat lah tidak best.manakala,ending Battleship ahhhh superb! Maka,Battleship lah yang paling best disini! Amboi hahaha tak sia sia Science aku A+ hari tu hahahahaha ok bye :p And I feel like I want to watch it again for the second round! I know,I'm insane haha.I was a happy kid masa tengok cerita ni.macam hyper something,I was clapping hands and all.kesian Liya.to people who sits next to me in the cinema,I'm really sorry.I can go nuts.it happened to my cousins ok.we were watching this movie,it was kind like psycho gila and I was so asdfghjkl scared.so I slapped,pinched,pulled his shirt and screamed out loud.haha and yang paling best tu,saya sorang je yang jerit gila gila kt dalam tu.heloooo,cerita tu seram ok.why you people no scream like me? So pelik ah hahaha.tak de perasaan ke korang ni? Or was it just me..who overreacting? Yah,I think it was only me .____. Anyway,I give 5 star for Battleship :)

He's the hero in this movie :)
Aww,I love you Alex Hopper!♥♥