17 April 2012

A celebrations

So basically,last weekend was the most tiring and longgg weekend for me.So,here's the thing.On Saturday morning,Liya accompanied me to find a fresh flowers as a gift for my mom's birthday.So we went to Kajang,and straight to Putrajaya.So after dah sesat segala,finally we found a florist in P15.Haha thanks a lot Liya,for everything.I appreciated it much :') And as I promised,I bought her a cup of Tf :) And we were like frozing cold in that shop! So inilah dia a picture of us,having a good time with cups of Tf.She's on the left :)

So,pada malam harinya pula my family and I went to Renaissance Hotel located in KL to celebrate Syafiq's and mom's birthdays.And and it was for me for getting 9A's in my SPM :) Damn it,I ate a lot okay.No,I mean it.It was really like banyak gilaaaaaaaaa --' Nevermind,Alyaaa.nanti masuk  U kurus lah,ok? *ayat penyedap hati hahaha.

Till Jannah :)

Ze yummy cake!

Thanks for everything Ibu & Ayah.I love you both to death hihi :) Ni baru betul oh nk love parents to death.kalau setakat nk love your boyf to death tu,hmmm tak payah nak death sangat ah.LOL sorrry lovers! :)


Went to Low Yat and tadaaaa! I got a new phone hihi.thanks Ibu & Ayah :* This was perfect.it included in my budget.so,next is going to be a laptop.I already surveyed it.hehe hopefully duit cukup lah nak beli my dream laptop tu.and please,jangan ingat budak 9A dapat semua yang dia nak.I'm not a spoil brat :)

I had a wonderful weekend,thank you loves :)