17 April 2012


So,they say UPU's result keluar on 7th of May.you gotta be true okay people.my bontot is kebas already duduk rumah ni.and I'm so lifeless.doing the same routine everyday.ahhh its not that I merungut,but its true ok.I cant wait to further my study! Seriously,I miss staying up late for studying,pegang buku,pegang calculator,rush off to class.this is serious people,no joke ok.NO JOKE.so,I didnt get Petronas's scholarship..and that was so frustrating.I cried hard last night.I feel like omg my life is over.ok,maybe I was too over reacting haha please forgive me I was too sad at that time :) So,lets hope for the best and prepare for the worse.I really hope that I will get accepted into UIA.oh please,senang lah orang cakap " Alahh,9A confirm dapat lah " Heloo,ni semua rezeki masing masing ok.so what if 9A pun? I feel nothing special about this thing.Hope Allah will make things ease for me,insyaallah :)

Get a life,Alya sweetie pie macaroon cheese cake hihihi :>